Child custody

One of the things that we tell everyone with a custody case is no matter what you believe is happening, unless you can provide proof of what you believe, it is a he said she said circumstance.  Evidence could be as simple as you audio recording a custody exchange or a tyrate over the phone. Or it could be one of our investigators gather pictures, video or other evidence of any behavior that person is taking that puts the child or development at risk.
Don’t forget other people in your ex’s life. Anyone around the child in question could affect their development or safety. Looking into someone’s background and history is only a portion. It is a snapshot of historic behaviors, but current surveillance can give you current life styles and behaviors which are more important in a current and ongoing custody hearing.

We are not attorney’s and we are not giving legal advice.These are simple recaps of cases and what our experience in private investigations has shown us to be the most prudent investigative actions to take.
Dating during or after seperation and divorce not matter how painful, is not grounds for emergency hearing. Even if that new person is spending the night. Unless they is a court order or agreed custody document that specifically blocks that.

Don’t waste the courts time and your money with simple alligations.  Get proof, consult with your attorney before taking action.  What ever you do don’t tell people you have evidence, tell your attorney, the judge and your private investigator.

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